BakemonogatariChapter 176
Comedy Drama Ecchi Horror

Koyomi Araragi, a third-year high school student, manages to survive a vampire attack with the help of Meme Oshino, a strange man residing in an abandoned building. Though being saved from vampirism and now a human again, several side effects such as superhuman healing abilities and enhanced vision still remain. Regardless, Araragi tries to live the life of a normal student, with the help of his friend and the class president, Tsubasa Hanekawa. When fellow classmate Hitagi Senjougahara falls down the stairs and is caught by Araragi, the boy realizes that the girl is unnaturally weightless. Despite Senjougahara's protests, Araragi insists he help her, deciding to enlist the aid of Oshino, the very man who had once helped him with his own predicament. Through several tales involving demons and gods, Bakemonogatari follows Araragi as he attempts to help those who suffer from supernatural maladies.

Bishounen Tanteidan (Official)Chapter 18
Comedy Romance

A mysterious group known as the Pretty Boy Detective Club is rumored to solve (and perhaps cause) most of the trouble at Yubiwa Academy—in a strictly unofficial, undercover, uncommercial capacity, of course. In order to find a star she glimpsed ten years ago, second-year Mayumi Dojima enlists the Pretty Boy’s aid, and gets much more than she bargained for! When they run up against a shadowy organization called the Twenties, stargazing is suddenly the least of their worries. Mayumi’s entire future is in jeopardy, and the Pretty Boy Detective Club must race to solve the Mystery of the Dark Star before time runs out!

Bishounen TanteidanChapter 18
Comedy Drama

Beautiful appearance, beautiful food, beautiful legs, beautiful voice, beautiful skills...Which beautiful boy is your type...?!The trouble that arises at Private Yubiwa Academy is rumored to be resolved informally, secretively and for free, by the mysterious "Pretty Boy Detectives." In order to search for "a star she saw 10 years ago", second year Mayumi Doujima opens the door of mystery to the 5 beautiful boys!

Koi Aru Dogu YaChapter 1

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